
Meet variations in volume and project-related peaks through specialized staffing

“Extra knowledge adds no value unless you put it into action or share it with others.”


The benefits of specialized staff

  • Access to specialized talent

    Yitch enables access to specialized technical talent across industries, facilitating swift project fulfillment or a sudden increase in demand without the delays of traditional recruitment.


  • Flexibility in workforce management

    Automation and digitalization projects come in varying durations and scopes. Yitch provides flexible staffing solutions, including temporary, contractual, or project-specific options, to ensure your workforce is efficiently scaled with the right number of skilled professionals for your projects.

  • Cost-effective solutions

    By utilizing Yitch's staffing service, companies can manage their budget effectively by avoiding the costs associated with permanent hires, such as benefits and training. Temporary staffing offers the flexibility to access skilled professionals tailored to specific project needs without committing to long-term financial obligations.

  • Rapid response to project needs

    In automation and digitalization projects, deadlines can be quite tight while requirements evolve. Yitch can respond promptly with qualified candidates, ensuring your projects stay on track without sacrificing quality.

  • Risk mitigation

    By choosing Yitch's staffing solutions, you can rest assured that you won't encounter professional mismatches. We rigorously screen candidates to ensure they possess the necessary skills and qualifications. Additionally, with temporary engineers, adjustments are hassle-free compared to direct hires.


How we add human value to your projects

Yitch provides a specialized staffing service tailored to the unique demands of automation, digitalization, and data projects. With a focus on these evolving fields, we offer expert talent closely aligned with your project requirements. Our approach is centered around flexibility and delivering results that add value to your organization.

  • Project alignment
    We begin by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to fully understand your project requirements and establish clear, measurable objectives.
  • Talent matchmaking
    Our team identifies and evaluates potential candidates from our extensive talent pool at Yitch. We propose suitable candidates to ensure a seamless and efficient selection process.

  • Performance monitoring
    Throughout the project lifecycle, we closely monitor the performance of our talent to ensure alignment with project objectives. We remain adaptable to changes, promptly address challenges, and conduct post-implementation evaluations to continually optimize personnel matching and utilization.

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staffing specialist